Senior Experts

Er. P. C. Sharma

Former Head, Material Sciences,
CSIR-Structural Engineering Research Centre, Ghaziabad
Over 55 years in R&D, repair, rehabilitation and strengthening of structures, Ferrocement, Rainwater harvesting, etc.

Dr. Jai Prakash

BE (Civil), ME (Structures), Ph.D
Over 55 years in Earthquake Engineering, Earthquake Disaster Mitigation and Finite Element Application to Nonlinear Soil & Structural Dynamic Problems

Dr. Y. P. Gupta

BE (Civil), ME (Earthquake), PhD
Over 55 years in design, material characterisation, quality control and software development.

Er. V. P. Bansal

BE (Civil), MBA
Over 50 years in construction, maintenance and repairs of highways, supervision and quality assurance work.

Er. S. K. Agarwal

BE (Civil)
Over 55 years in construction, maintenance and repairs of building and highways, contract management.

Er. H. P. Gupta

BE (Civil)
Over 50 years in design of roads, quantity surveying, supervision and quality control of the highways.

Dr. R. K. Goel

BE (Civil), ME(Structures), PhD
Over 35 years in design of structures, condition assessment of distressed structures, strengthening of structures and green structures.

Er. Jasvir Singh

BE (Civil), ME(Soil)
Over 35 years in soil investigations, surveying, piling and related works.

Er. Gulshan Kumar

BE (Civil), ME (Geotechnical)
Over 38 years in design, construction, strengthening and maintenance of office as well as residential buildings.